Sunday, March 9, 2014

Randall Price, Amy Louise Beam, and Murat Sahin’s Noah’s Ark Fraud

The following individuals have been involved in a fraud. These individuals raised millions of dollars, from American and Australian Christians, to dig an empty hole in the ground and defame an actual archaeological site.

An Empty Hole--Randall Price's Five-Year Fraudulent Noah's Ark Dig

Here are the details of the fraudulent Noah’s ark dig:

1. The fraudulent dig was led by Randall Price, Don Patton, and Richard Bright. These individuals raised millions of dollars to give to Murat Camping, a Kurdish group led my Murat Sahin, a convicted murderer, his brother Sayim Sahin, and their American partner Amy Louise Beam, who was banned from Turkey because of links with terrorism (see links below).

2. The sham excavation started in 2009, the year before the Scottish explorer, Donald Mackenzie, disappeared.

3. The excavation entailed several dozen Americans and Australians digging an ice hole on Mount Ararat and staying near the summit from August through December.

4. The fraudulent excavation occurred every year from 2009 to 2013.

5. Each year the Price, Bright, and Patton advertised to donors that their device showed an "organic anomaly" below the ice that was Noah's ark. The problem: their device could not reveal strata more than 15 feet below the surface or tell the difference between organic (wood) and non-organic material (stone) at this level. Each year, they repeated their "organic anomaly" advertisement to continue fund raising efforts.

6. Despite raising millions of dollars and digging a hole nearly fifty feet deep into the ice on Mount Ararat, the fraudulent excavation revealed no archaeological features and not one single human artifact.

Please do what you can to fight against the above fraudsters and prevent any more donations from ending up in the hands of a convicted murderer, a fraud perpetrated by a professor from Liberty University, and a woman with links to terrorism.

Below is the newsletter from Randall Price showing the extent of the fraudulent Noah's Ark dig.

What’s interesting to me is the spectrum of individuals that were involved in the fraud: a convicted murderer, his 66-year-old female partner with links to terrorism, a professor from Liberty University, and Noah’s ark search group. These individuals combined efforts, over a five-year period, to dig a fifty foot empty hole in the ice near the summit of Mount Ararat—a dig for Noah’s ark—and not find one single artifact or archaeological feature.

This group comprised:

1. Amy Beam is a 66-year-old woman (born in 1948), who offered Murat Camping internet marketing, with ties to terrorism.

2. Murat Sahin, a convicted killer that spent nearly a decade in a Turkish prison.

3. Professor Randall Price of Liberty University who led fund raising efforts for a fraudulent dig.

4. Richard Bright, a former pilot and one of Randall Price’s partners in the Noah’s Ark fraud dig.

5. Don Patton, an ark researcher, who repeatedly denigrated an actual archaeological site on Mount Ararat while raising monies for a fraudulent excavation, an empty hole in the ice.

6. Sayim Sahin, Murat Sahin’s brother, who is the co-manager of Murat Camping. 

Again, please do what you can to fight against the above fraudsters and prevent any more donations from ending up in the hands of a convicted murderer, a fraud perpetrated by a professor from Liberty University, and Amy Louise Beam, who is banned from Turkey for associations with terrorism.

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